Monday, October 31, 2011

A few fly fishing truths and observations

Just a few thoughts that I had while fishing this weekend. We were supposed to make a trip to Steelhead Alley, but due to blown out rivers we were forced to stay home and fish our local trout stream instead.  In between fish I had some time to laugh about a few things.
  1. The snags, leaves, moss, & rocks that you want to dislodge themselves from hooks never seem to, fish on the other hand seem to have no problem coming off.  Bigger fish are the especially good at this, unless it is a hognose sucker...those things practically require the jaws of life to get your fly back.
  2. Fishing an articulated streamer in fall is the equivalent of raking your yard.  If you plan to fish a big streamer while there are leaves in the river you might as well just save yourself the trouble and do a little yard work at home instead....or just fish nymphs.
  3. Trips that require the most planning usually fall through due to weather or river sure to have a backup plan.
  4. Leaving fish to find fish usually results in trip back to the fish....If you are moving to look for bigger or better fish be patient, they are out there.
  5. When you take off your jacket it will start raining, when you put it on it will stop...when you pack it back up a downpour will start.
Please add any of your own in the comments section below.

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