Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Fly Lamp

Everybody has that closet or room filled with old stuff.  Maybe it is an old dresser from college, an papasan chair from your first apartment, or an end table from your old living room set.  For me it was a lamp that was passed on to me from my grandfather's house.  For the longest time this lamp, which is also permanently attached to a small table, just say next to my fly tying bench and I never really used it for much.  The other day I came across and old box full of old used flies. Most of which had been fished to death.  Finally, it hit me and I was able to put both some old flies and an old lamp to good use.

What is that saying...."everything old is new again"?

I'm sure that I'm not the first person to start sticking flies on a lampshade nor do I think that I have a second career brewing on an HGTV show.  I do, however, like my 'new' lamp.

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